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协和影视 “讲好中国故事”国际影像传播大赛规矩
发布日期:2024-09-25 04:18    点击次数:192

协和影视 “讲好中国故事”国际影像传播大赛规矩


Call for Entries to International Contest for Visual Communication of the China Story

第一条 指示想想


第二条 大赛组织


2. 操纵单元:广东外语外贸大学、中国网、广东省播送电影电视协会




第三条 大赛主题


Tell the Chinese Story & Spread the Chinese Voice

第四条 参赛对象



第五条 参赛作品类型与样式

1. 大赛作品类型:















2. 专设单元:以“讲好广州故事”为主题,不限作品文体,时长15分钟以内。







参赛作品一律刻录成DVD播放盘(为保证评审经由的公谈性,请勿在盘面上标示任何象征),对白和旁白条款配有字幕(简体中语或英文)。 每个作品另附DVD数据盘,数据盘至少包括海报(JPG样式,鬼父快播600dpi、500k以上、比例为420mm*297mm)一幅和剧组近照一幅,以及20秒以内的作品片花一份(便于作品得到提名后组委会径直宣传使用)。


第六条 参赛条款

1. 必须围绕主题进行创作。

2. 作品本色必须严格驯服国度法律律例的关连划定,不得出现违


3. 须是参赛者原创作品,严禁剽窃、抄袭,对于剽窃、抄袭的具








第七条 评审及奖励





(2) 评委会大奖1-3个,各奖10000元,荣誉文凭




第八条 赛程安排

2018年1月5日大赛运转庆典 广东外语外贸大学

2018年1月5日-2018年5月10日24:00 作品搜集

2018年5月初 大赛嘉年华

2018年5月中旬 首映式暨作品展播(展示)

2018年5月 巨匠评审

2018年6月 评审截止公示和发布

2018年6月 授奖庆典

第九条 策划步履及作品提交面容

1. 线上提交


2. 邮寄


(2)邮寄地址:中国广州市番禺区小谷围广州大学城178号 广东外语外贸大学训诲楼C座304 DVNEWSCAR组委会(收) 邮编:510006

策划东谈主:陈博菲020-39328084; 梁嘉豪15900040872


(1) 官方微信:广外DVNewscar微电影大赛(微信号:DVNEWSCAR)

(2) 官方微博:@广外DVNEWSCAR微电影大赛(私信面容)

第十条 最终解释权归“讲好中国故事”国际影像传播大赛暨广东外语外贸大学第十二届DV NEWSCAR微电影大赛组委会。




The contest, with the theme of "Tell the Chinese Story", is aimed at collecting all kinds of short films from both domestic and foreign universities and social sectors. It aims to build a new model of "the international communication of China's discourse system", promote the international communication capacity, and present a real, three-dimensional and comprehensive China.


1. Guiding organizations: Chinese Collegial Association for Visual Art, Publicity Department of Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee, International Communication Office of Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee, Guangzhou Association of Social Sciences

2. Organizers: Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, China.com.cn, Radio, Film & TV Administration of Guangdong Province

3. Executing organizations: School of Journalism and Communication, GDUFS, Specialized Committee for Film & TV International Communication, Chinese Collegial Association for Visual Art, Youth League, GDUFS, Guangzhou Center for Innovative Communication in International Cities, Institute for International Education, GDUFS, Collaborative Innovation Center for Language Research and Services, Guandong TV (IPTV- Guangdong)

4. Co-organizers: GDTV, Huanqiu.com

5. Supporting Media: xinhuanet.com, Nanfangplus, Yangcheng Evening News, GZTV, southcn.com,Tencent, Nanfang Law, ycwb.com, toutiao.com, dahe.cn


Tell the Chinese Story & Spread the Chinese Voice


1. People from all walks of life including college teachers and students are welcomed to submit theme-related short, creative films (in either Chinese or other foreign languages).

2. The production teams are to be divided into domestic and international categories, with the former category further divided into college and social groups. Members in the college groups (including directors, scriptwriters, cinematographers and editors) should be enrolled college students (including junior college students, undergraduates, postgraduates and non-degree students). Overseas students and their productions will be separately reviewed for awards.

Ⅴ.ProductionTypes and Format

1. Production Types

A. Stories

Fictional, adapted short films or narrative productions based on true characters or stories within 15 minutes.

B. Documentaries

Short films within 15 minutes in the form of documentaries, in-depth news reports, street interviews or narratives reconstructing real events.

C. Advertisements

Various short films or videos within 15 minutes including publicity videos and commercial films.

D. Animations

Animated films within 15 minutes. Stop-motion animations include hand-drawn, object and photographic productions.

E. Talk shows

Productions of various forms within 15 minutes. Both videos and electronic documents of the speeches are to be submitted.

F. Narrative photographic works

Productions with no less than 10 photos which combine to tell a story. Music instead of text is optional.

G. Music videos

Productions within 15 minutes. The music should be original and may include raps.

2. Special Category: Productions of various forms within 15 minutes which feature “telling a Guangzhou story”.

3. Form and Format

Participants should submit their production together with a Word document of application form (which includes a production description). All productions shall refrain from applying the templates directly.

Please go to download the application form and letter of agreement, and fill in them with complete and truthful information. (In submission, please indicate on the envelope the production type, producers or production team, name and duration of production, and enclose student certificates of the team members with an official seal.) Participants who receive further notice should provide material required by the organizing committee.

Those who fail to submit material as required may be disqualified from the competition.

A. Videos:

The format should be AVI, MPEG, DIVX, MOV or MP4, with image resolution of no less than 1280×720 pixels.

All productions should be recorded in video DVDs (to ensure a fair competition, please do not label them). The dialogue or voiceover within should be subtitled (in simplified Chinese or English). A data DVD is also required for every submission, which should at least include a poster (a JPG picture the size of 420mm*297mm, no less than 600dpi and no smaller than 500k), a photo of the team and a trailer within 20 seconds (for publicity purposes by the organizing committee).

B. Photos: The format should be JPG, with image resolution of eight million pixels and above.


1. The productions should be relevant to the theme.

2. Participants should abide by the national laws, rules and regulations and must not create pornographic or violent contents or those in violation of social morality, individual privacy as well as national laws, rules and regulations.

3. The productions should be original and no plagiarism is allowed. SeeCopyright Law of the People's Republic of Chinafor the definition of “plagiarism”. Plagiarists will be disqualified and held accountable for any copyright dispute that may arise.

4. All submitted material will not be returned. The participants rather than the organizing committee should confirm their copyright ownership. The participants should bear the legal responsibility should there be any infringement of copyrights or intellectual property rights. The organizing committee assumes no responsibility in any such disputes. Under such circumstances, the committee reserves the right to disqualify the participants and reclaim the awards.

5. The participants enjoy the copyright, while the sponsor and other approved individuals or organizations have the right to use and disseminate the productions for non-commercial purposes. No payment is required for event reports, publicity and promotional activities.

6. The organizing committee is responsible for arranging reviews of the productions and enjoys the right to display the results in all legitimate ways. No fees will be charged for all the productions.

7. Any submission of material will be automatically construed as an acceptance of all the requirements for the competition by the participants.

Ⅶ. Reviews and Rewards

1. Reviews: The organizing committee is consisted of experts from government bodies, higher education institutions and media outlets. Excellent productions will be awarded review committee awards, awards for every category and special awards. Both the winners and the committee enjoy the IPR ownership of the productions.

2. Rewards: Publicity reports will be written by the organizing committee on the winners and their productions. Outstanding productions may be singled out for further transformation. Winners may enjoy the opportunity of joining the workshops organized by the sponsor at home and abroad.

3. Prizes and Certificates:


A. One to three Special Awards for “telling a Guangzhou story”, each granting a prize of 10,000 RMB yuan and a certificate.

B. One to three Review Committee Awards, each granting a prize of 10,000 RMB yuan and a certificate.

C. Awards for Best Story, Best Documentary, Best Advertisement (Publicity Film), Best Animation, Best Talk Show, Best Music Video and Best Narrative Photographic Work (Series),each granting a prize of 3,000 RMB yuan and a certificate.

Awards for Best Director, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Script, Best Editing, Best Sound, Best Cinematography and Viewers’Choice,each granting a prize of 2,000 RMB yuan and a certificate.

Submitted productions will be reviewed by categories.


January 5, 2018, the Launching Ceremony at GDUFS

By 12:00p.m. May 10, 2018, submission of productions

Early May in 2018, the Carnival

Mid-May in 2018, the Premiere and Showcase

May 2018, expert reviews

June 2018, result announcement

June 2018, the Award Ceremony

ⅨContactsand Submission

1. Online Submission

The participants shall name their production and send the required material tojhzhggs@163.com, including the production, application form, letter of agreement and related material. Please package the production and application form into one and name it in the form of “production type + production name + team leader’s name”.

2. Mail Submission

A. Required materials: the application form and letter of agreement, a video DVD, a data DVD and a disk (the file names within should be in the form of “production type + production name + team leader’s name”). Participants in the College Group should also provide their student certificates.

B. Address: Room 304, Teaching Building C, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, No. 178 Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Center, Panyu District, Guangzhou 510006 China. To: DVNEWSCAR Organizing Committee

Contact persons: Chen Bofei 020-39328084, Liang Jiahao 15900040872

For further questions, please contact theOrganizing Committee in the following ways:

A. Official account on Wechat:广外DVNewscar微电影大赛(ID: DVNEWSCAR)

B. Official account on Weibo:广外DVNEWSCAR微电影大赛

(please contact via chats)

ⅩThe Organizing Committee of the “Tell the Chinese Story” Competition and the 12thGDUFS DV NEWSCAR Micro Film Competition reserves the right of final interpretation.

Guangdong University of Foreign Studies

School of Journalism and Communication

January 9th协和影视, 2018

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